
Is Pop Singer – Grant Knoche ENFP or type?

Featured ImageBest estimate:
ENFP – 100% confidence
Ne Fi Te SiTotal:
2 Votes
Breakdown of 2 MBTI votes
2 – ENFP

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Know your Type in Four simple questions

Question 1 of 4 – What can you relate to the most?
Are involved in what is happening outside and around them
Are immersed in own world of thoughts and feelings
Question 2 of 4 – What can you relate to the most?
Wonder mostly about the past or the future
See everyone and sense everything

Question 3 of 4 – What can you relate to the most?

You connect deeply with others, sharing their joys and sorrows as your own. You share your feelings freely, fostering connection.

You approach the world with logic and reason, seeking clarity and understanding. You focus on facts and enjoy dissecting puzzles and historical events.

Question 4 of 4 – What can you relate to the most?
Plan ahead but act impulsively following the situation
Plan a schedule ahead and tend to follow it


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Fun Quizzes for you                

                   Are you Introverted, Extroverted or Ambivert?

Are you Sensing (S) or Intuitition (N)?

Are you Feeling (F) or Thinking (T)?

What is your 16-MBTI type? (10 Questions):

Compare MBTI Types and faces
Type 1:
Type 2:
Name Grant Knoche
Profession Pop Singer
Date of Birth 2002-08-23
Place of Birth Dallas, TX
Death Date
Birth Sign Virgo

About Grant Knoche

Pop singer and actor who released his debut single “Downpour” in August 2017. He is a former Kidz Bop kid who was featured on nine editions of the album. He portrayed Liam on Nickelodeon s Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn and has also appeared on the Brat series Chicken Girls and Total Eclipse. 

Grant Knoche

He became a member of the Kidz Bop family at the beginning of 2014. When he was 7, he started dancing.

Knowledge Base

In 2017, he began appearing on the Go90 network with a dance group called Boy Squad, mentored by Matt Steffanina. He released the song “Emotions” in 2019. He graduated high school early by passing the California High School Proficiency Examination in 2019. 

His father Sean plays guitar while his brother Hunter Knoche of Fly Away Hero plays drums.

In the summer of 2017, he went on tour as a solo artist with the Summer Jam tour headlined by Aaron Carter.

2 min read

Reviewed by: Johansson M, PsyD



  1. I might think, INFP as was... Shakespeare and... Charles Schultz.