
MBTI Personality database. Revolutionary open perspective on the MBTI world!

MBTI Lounge is dedicated to helping people find their MBTI type. If you’re looking to get typed or like to type people, you’re in the right place!

Over 500, 000 characters in the database

Explore personality results for real people and fictional characters to cats and dogs!

Guidance and continuous support

Guidance and support in understanding one’s personality type according to the MBTI framework.

Get to know your Type

Get a tour of all the famous celebrities in MBTI Lounge. Get to know your personality any time or your workmates.

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Free App Access

Join us in exploring the 16 personality types for free. All personalities are welcome!

Android App ↗


Over 13 years and above with regulated forums. No vote manipulation, No hate, only spread love ❤

Celebrity tour

Experience the fusion of imagination and expertise. Get a tour of all the famous celebrities in Mbti Lounge.

Celebrity Tour ↗

Daily, Weekly and Monthly Trending celebrities

It’s totally improved with brand new innovative features bringing live to all.

Trending celebrities ↗

An array of other resources

Myers-Briggs Test Results: Discover what is the personality type? Personality Tool for typing celebrity personality types.

MBTI compare:

Compare MBTI Types
Type 1:
Type 2:

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